Policy/Purpose Statement
The Board of Directors of Ventura Coast Youth Baseball (VCYB) has adopted the following position descriptions for each of their board positions. The positions and descriptions described here are not necessarily all inclusive. The descriptions are intended to proivde the main purpose of each role and some guidance for general responsibilities. Additional responsibilities may be required as necessary to completely fulfill the obligations of each position.
These descriptions are not intended to supersede any positions and/or descriptions included in the VCYB Constitution and/or VCYB Approved By-Laws.
A. PRESIDENT - Serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the League; presides at all meetings of the League membership and at all meetings of the Board of Directors, is an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees and shall perform such other duties as are normally associated with the office of President.
B. VICE PRESIDENT - Performs such duties as may be assigned by the President; shall otherwise assist the President in the performance of the President's duties and shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President.
C. SECRETARY - Has custody of the Constitution and Bylaws, and all other records of the League. Keeps an accurate record of the meetings and other activities of the League and of the Board of Directors; is responsible for all correspondence on behalf of the League and transmits all records and correspondence to any person elected to succeed him or her in that office.
D. TREASURER - Receives and disburses all funds with the approval of the Board of Directors; keeps an accurate account of all funds received and disbursed for the League; submits financial reports at meetings and at such other times as may be requested by the President; compiles an annual report of the League finances; provides the books of the League and such other documents as requested for the annual audit and transmits all financial records to any person elected to succeed him or her in that office.
E. HEAD PLAYER AGENT - Supervises the annual registration of player candidates, tryout sessions and distribution of players among League teams and maintains listing of eligible players not assigned to teams who may be available as replacement players; serves as an escalation point in handling issues that may arise related to players and their teams.
A. WAYS & MEANS/ SPONSORSHIP COORDINATOR - Responsible for developing and maintaining a program designed to solicit sponsors for each season, as well as solicit sponsors to support tournaments, raffles, and other fundraising activities the League engages in throughout the season; responsible for offering proper gratitude on behalf of the League in writing, to all donors and to award such plaques or items to donors that the Board of Directors. Sponsorships and Promotions; news media relations general publicizing of league activities, distributions and special events; publishes press release and for every special League wide event or accomplishments; Fundraising and advertising. Coordinate the Leagues' photos day, securing picture vendor, disbursing picture packets to teams in advance of picture day, composing the schedule, oversee the day, coordinating with teams on day of, and delivering pictures to teams when they arrive. T shirt sales
B. WEB MASTER - Responsible for the Leagues' website, communicating with the Board, updating regularly, passing on to the Board any alerts, Facebook
A. FIELD DIRECTOR - Responsible for the general preparation , maintenance, development and improvement of all playing facilities owned, leased or used by the League and shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors for suggested or needed expenditures in this area of operation.
B. SNACK BAR DIRECTOR - Provides a clean and fully stocked Snack Bar; reports itemized disbursements to the Treasurer; acts as supervisor of the Snack Bar staff, present at all times, set forth a schedule by team for staffing the Snack Bar , recommend repairs and problems to Board , including costs. Contact with city's Health Department rules and compliance
C. REGISTRAR - Responsible for registration days, attend most /if all days, schedule Volunteers IBoard Member ; responsible for all paper work , Special duties as assigned throughout the season by the Board of Directors.
A. TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR - Responsible for planning and overseeing all tournament that are hosted by Ventura Coast Youth Pony; tournaments include any Ventura Coast Youth Pony sponsored tournaments , official PONY sanctioned tournaments and any other tournaments as prescribed by the Board of Directors; responsible for overseeing the All- Star selection process.
B. PLAYER AGENT - Responsible for their Division, overseeing problems, rules, liaison to the Board and Head of Player agents. Overseeing their division's games.
C. CHIEF UMPIRE - Obtains suitable umpires for the Leagues as directed by the Board of Directors; shall consider all complaints relative to umpires and make suitable recommendations to the Board of Directors; the Head of Umpire shall make every effort to register all umpires with PONY.
D. EQUIPMENT DIRECTOR- Responsible for ordering and purchasing of playing equipment for the League, the distribution of equipment among the League teams, the collection, inventory and storage of equipment during the off season and preparation of such reports and suggestions as needed by the Board of Directors for budgetary action.
E. HEAD SCOREKEEPER - Responsible of score cards of Pinto, Mustang, Bronco and Pony Divisions; Updating the teams stasis and posting ; conducting a scorekeepers clinic before the season starts. inventory of score sheets.
A. Team Parent Liaison - General Liaison to team parents. Responsible for pulling together and meeting with the team moms. Conducts Team Parent meeting at the beginning of season. Will be the main source of information for team parents and is required to communicate with them throughout the season.
B. Trophy Chairperson - Responsible for ordering and distrusting trophies and awards at league's end. Also responsible for ordering and distributing All Star tournament awards as directed by the Tournament Director.
C. Uniform Chairperson- Responsible for securing bids for the league uniforms. Responsible for submitting bids to Board of Directors for review and approval. Responsible for coordinating , ordering and disbursing league uniforms prior to season. Also responsible for coordinating post season All Star uniforms with the Tournament Director.
D. Snack Bar Assistant- Assists the Snack Bar Director with the operation of the snack bar, including assistance with ordering, stocking, inventory and snack bar schedules.